Tuesday 2 March 2010


I should know better I suppose. My dear mother would have said, "you want your bumps feeling". ( A quaint expression indicating that I was a bit eccentric) and my dear departed wife, Christine, would simply have said, "your mad." My daughter, Samantha however, seems to be all for the idea, although I believe that she has designs on the house.
Having now reached retirement age and having no particularly strong ties I am now planning a 3 month (approximately) trip down under to do a spot of vehicular assisted walkabout, and I hope to document the planning and execution of my peregrinations (traveling or wandering around).
Perhaps you would care to accompany me on my journey, although I don't intend to physically travel until September 2010. However, planning the trip promises to be a journey all of its own.
Let me have your thoughts and comments and I will try to keep the journey as interesting as possible.


  1. Well done John, I look forward to following your travels with interest........ Good Luck Ian.

  2. Designs on the house are just the start of it!!!! Be careful what I get you to sign between now and September......Your ever loving daughter XX

  3. The trip sounds exciting. Sorry we will have left the Kimberleys by the time you get here, but will see you in Perth and you're very welcome to stay with any of us. Thoroughly enjoying Barn Hill at the moment. Temps around 37 deg C every day but will cool down soon to around 30 deg. for the winter. We're here till around mid Sept. Your ever loving cuz Anita


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